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Incubation at CMS
CMS Computers Limited and its Group, reaching out to underserved communities is part of our Policy and we believe in the trusteeship concept. This entails transcending business interests and grappling with the "quality of life" challenges that underserved communities face, and working towards making a meaningful difference to them.
Our vision is "to actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate. In so doing build a better, sustainable way of life for the weaker sections of society and raise the country’s human development index".
Implementation process: Identification of projects
All projects are identified in consultation with the community, literally sitting with them and gauging their basic needs. We recourse to the participatory rural appraisal mapping process and in consultation with management.
Arising from this the focus areas that have emerged are Education, Health care, Sustainable livelihood, Infrastructure development, and for any social causes. All of our community projects are carried out under the guidance of CSR committee members and its team who work in the direction of management. The Board has constituted a committee to see the CSR activities from time to time and also approve the project done during the financial year. Some of the focus areas are defined below to understand and work on this.
In Education, our endeavour is to spark the desire for learning and knowledge at everystage through
In Health care our goal is to render quality health care facilities to people living in the villages and elsewhere through identified hospitals
In Sustainable Livelihood our programmes aim at providing livelihood in a locally appropriate and environmentally sustainable manner through
In Infrastructure Development we endeavour to set up essential services that form the foundation of sustainable development through
To bring about Social Change we advocate and support
CMS and its group Initiatives and Rural Development provides the vision under the leadership of its Chairperson, Ms. Aarti Grover. This vision underlines all CSR activities. At the Company, the CEO takes on the role of the mentor, while the onus for the successful and time bound implementation of the projects is on the CSR team members.
PartnershipsCollaborative partnerships are formed with the Government, the District Authorities, the village panchayats, NGOs and other like-minded stakeholders. This helps widen the Company’s reach and leverage upon the collective expertise, wisdom and experience that these partnerships bring to the table.
Information disseminationThe Company’s engagement in this domain is disseminated on its website, annual reports, its house journals and through the media if required.
Management CommitmentOur Board of Directors, our Management and all of our employees subscribe to the philosophy of compassionate care. We believe and act on an ethos of generosity and compassion, characterised by a willingness to build a society that works for everyone. This is the cornerstone of our CSR policy.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy conforms to the Corporate Social Responsibility Voluntary Guidelines spelt out by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the activities which can be undertaken by the company as per the guidelines of CSR activities of Ministry of Corporate Affairs are reproduced below :
As per Companies Act, 2013, Schedule VII mandates expenditure for the following activities-